We spend hours on failure. Analyzing, suffering, learning how to do better. And forget about the things that did work out. Everything that did go well. Actions you did do. Results you did get. Even if the only thing you managed to do today was getting up, it’s still a win. You did it. Celebrate!
Celebration is a muscle that needs training. I know, mine needs training too.
This week I received a truckload of books. My books. My first.
I was overwhelmed. I rushed into action to get everything in place for presenting them the 18th of June. Rushed to get the technology in order so they can be bought.
I rushed and forgot to cherish this once in a lifetime moment: the reception of my first printed poetry.
So today I stop.
And celebrate.
I did it.
I am a published poet.
I come from a place where getting out of bed was hard, merely impossible. I still got up. I didn’t see the win then. I see it now.
If getting up is your only win today: celebrate!
One day all those times you did get out of bed, add up to a precious bundle of poems, to a filled life. And you’ll stop and celebrate right there and then. You’ll enjoy the win.
Cause you’ll be a trained winner.
So stop now.
And celebrate your win today.
I do.
#zinnigezondag #sundaysenses #stop #celebrate #win #darklove #alsallesleeft #precious #life #lifelessons #live #mentalhealth #hope #gettingup #everyday #poet #poetry #debute #dichter #gedichten #debuut #loss #heartache #personalgrowth